Contact Us

The Pasco Chamber of Commerce, established in 1912, is one of our communities oldest allies. We strive to bring the area businesses together with each other and the community to achieve economic security and an overall exceptional quality of life.

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas of how we can better serve our members or our area businesses don't hesitate to contact us.

Our office is located at:
1925 North 20th Avenue
Pasco, Wa 99301

Our office is open:
Monday through Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
(Some days we may be out of the office for meetings or special events.)
You can reach us at:
(509) 547-9755 - Office
(509) 547-9756 - Fax

Our Board Members, Liaisons to the Board, and Staff:

Monica Van Hollebeke, President Simplot Grower Solutions
Ben Behen, Past President Lucky Flowers
Rich Cummins, VP Columbia Basin College
Mitch Roach, 2nd VP Baker Boyer Bank
Carrie Chambers, 2nd VP Desert Hills Realty
Angie Brotherton Gesa Credit Union
Glen Clifford Clifford Farms
Gary Crutchfield City of Pasco
Len Harms Harms Engineering
Melanie Johnston Lourdes Health Network
Lori Lancaster Benton-Franklin Fair & Rodeo
Walt Neff Neff Ranches
Chenyn Preston-Johnson Preston Premium Wines
Avigail Sanchez Karne Max
Britta Thompson Tri-City Area Journal of Business
Unappointed Presidential Appointee
Liaison Members
Denis Austin Pasco Police Department
Rick Miller Franklin County
Gracie Valle-Chimal Pasco School District
Debbie Bone-Harris Franklin PUD
Michelle Olivas TCVCB
Jim Toomey Port of Pasco
Kayla Pratt TRIDEC
Executive Director
Nikki Gerds NGerds@PascoChamber.Org
Executive Administrative Assistant
Monica Diaz Admin@PascoChamber.Org